PM cancels visit after family member tests positive for COVID

Boris Johnson has cancelled a visit to Lancashire today because a family member has tested positive for COVID, Downing Street said.

A Number 10 spokesman said the prime minister will “follow the guidance for vaccinated close contacts, including daily testing and limiting contact with others”.

It is not known which member of his family has tested positive but he lives with his wife, Carrie Johnson, and his two children, Wilfred, 20 months, and Romy, who is five weeks old.

PM apologises for lockdown party but faces resignation calls

The visit cancellation comes a day after Mr Johnson apologised for attending a party at Number 10 during the first lockdown, which has prompted calls for his resignation from the opposition but also from within his own party.

However, ministers have thrown their support behind him, with Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis backing Mr Johnson to lead the party into the next election and to win it.

But, asked if Mr Johnson can continue as prime minister if an investigation finds he misled parliament by insisting he did not break COVID rules – in theory a resigning matter – Mr Lewis dodged the question.

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“That is making a pre-judgement on what the report will find,” he told Kay Burley.

Four Conservative backbenchers have publicly called for Mr Johnson to resign, saying his position is now “untenable”.

Letters of no confidence

It is not known how many letters of no confidence have been handed to Sir Graham Brady, head of the influential 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs.

A total of 54 letters – 15% of Tory MPs – would be needed to prompt a vote of no confidence in the PM which could lead to him being ousted by his own MPs.

A handful of Conservative MPs are suspected of handing over letters to Sir Graham after voicing their disgust at the PM but only one, Sir Roger Gale, has confirmed he has done so, describing the PM as “a dead man walking”.

He told Sky News on Wednesday: “I have written to Sir Graham Brady and said that there should be a leadership contest.

“I do believe that in this instance, the 1922 Committee have a duty to go to the prime minister and have a word with him, because we cannot go on like this. I say this with a heavy heart because he has got Brexit done.”

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