Wind turbine blades might look elegant, even ballet-like, as they glide through the air. But, much like ballet, achieving that simple grace requires complex, advanced engineering. NREL researchers build a 13-m thermoplastic blade at NREL’s CoMET facility. Photo from the National Wind Technology Center at the NREL Flatirons Campus. (Photo by Ryan Beach / NREL)
2070. It’s the most distant net-zero target of any G20 nation, but, as one climate activist in Kolkata, India, told Sky News: “At least it’s a start, although I’ll be dead by then.” Coming into Glasgow’s COP26 climate summit, India hadn’t updated its previous carbon reduction commitments (or NDCs, Nationally Determined Contributions) pledged during the 2015
On the pavement outside the Supreme Court in Washington DC, a pro-life activist pours water on an “abortion is healthcare” statement written in white chalk, furiously trying to erase it using his shoe. Another man of similar persuasion carries a plastic doll representing a foetus, shouting “pro-life for all life”. Metres away, pro-choice campaigners huddle